
charlie tolnay

  • charlie tolnay

    Grong Grong, Lubricated Goat and King Snake Roost guitarist Charlie Tolnay has passed away in Adelaide after a brief and unexpected illness. The news was posted on the Grong Grong Facebook page last night.

    Tolnay was an original member of the band, formed by his half brother Michael Farkas in 1983. The band expired with the near death of Farkas in 1984 and reformed in 2009. More details when they come to hand.


  • charlie tolnay2I was at Muscle Shoals Records Fayre, on Lygon Street in Melbourne, when I received the unwelcome news from one of my dearest friends, a character in and out of bands in Adelaide for decades, who I doubt you’ve heard of, but whose name (when you have to use it) you will always spell incorrectly, as I do: "Bad" Bob Lehermayr.  

    I was less than charitable with Bob, and he rightly gave me a serve. 

    Then he told me about Charlie Tolnay dying.

    After Bob (also rightly) hung up on me, I received a text message from The Barman. Bad news had travelled fast.