
garry david

  • bob blunt 2020

    Venue helper, organiser and frontperson for both Garry David and Beijing Bikini
    Sydney, Australia

    2020 in a nutshell

    Let's not start with the boring and the obvious - the moan that goes 'oh, what a shitty year that was' or how "Sydney is dead co's it aint what it used yo be'"- yawn. That rhetoric and emotion doesn't belong here - we're on an onward and upward trajectory - yep, the good gigs plus the other good stuff.

  • nunchukka bowloBlackie, Julien and Ray from Nunchukka Superfly.

    Nunchukka Superfly
    White Knuckle Fever
    Garry David
    Marrickville Bowling Club, Sydney
    Friday, February 21, 2020
    Friday night and gig-bound, I really had no idea what to expect. Part of the thrill of seeing a multi-band bill is to be blown away by a group you're unfamiliar with although I was armed with the knowledge that only one, Nunchukka Superfly, is familiar so I was attending with an open mind.

    First up was Garry David. Without previous knowledge who Garry David was, I was expecting, maybe, a solo guitarist singing busking style songs with an inner city bent? Wrong.