Written, directed and co-produced by filmmaker Sequeira, the documentary chronicles the rise and fall of the band – from the vibrant music scene they created, to the legions of bands they influenced in their wake. In his words:
“Descent into the Maelstrom isn’t just the story of Radio Birdman, it’s the story of a scene, a movement, in Australia, started by the band. It’s about doing your music, and your art without compromise, when everyone tries to shut you down. Radio Birdman inspired the outsiders in Australian society to do their own thing. Like the band, the film is a completely independent production – the band’s take no-prisoners attitude fed into the making of it. The intensity of the music and the individuals is still there, coming off the screen, and it insists that you too settle for nothing less than the best."
We'll bring you details of where and when you can see "Descent..." as soon as they're available.
There will also be a companion soundtrack CD on Stop Start Records, "Funhouse Jukebox", on June 8. It features 13 songs from bands like The Saints, The Easybeats and The Ramones as well as rare tracks from pre-Birdman outfits The Rats (feat Rob Younger, Warwick Gilbert and Ron Keeley) and TV Jones (aka Cunning Stunt, featuring Deniz Tek. )
This will be the first time anything by The Rats has been released.
“Descent Into The Maelstrom – Funhouse Jukebox Soundtrack”
1. Funhouse intro dialogue
2. Descent into the Maelstrom - Radio Birdman
3. (I’m) Stranded – The Saints
4. TV Eye - Radio Birdman
5. Wars Or Hands Of Time – Masters Apprentices
6. Snake - Radio Birdman
7. Friday On My Mind - The Easybeats
8. Shake Some Action –Flamin’ Groovies
9. Blank Generation – Richard Hell & The Voidoids
10. Burned My Eye – Radio Birdman
11. Personality Crisis – The Rats
12. Monday Morning Gunk – TV Jones
13. Blitzkrieg Pop – Ramones
14 Funhouse outro dialogue
15. New Race - Radio Birdman