Punk was supposed to kill prog but never finished the job. Is surf prog a thing? Instrumental “Moody Money Monday” could have been on the soundtrack of “Morning of the Earth”.
“Two Pacs” is the best anti-smoking song since the Celibate Rifles’ “Kent’s Theme” but subs firestorm six-strings for a gravelly vocal and some Mitchell Eaton slide guitar that has the consistency of a bucket of molasses.
Closer “Half The Bit That Is Missing” is another trippy instrumental that’s dominated by Easton’s indefatigable slide and Fairlie’s drums, with the assistance of beatbox style vocal accents.
The band is an outgrowth of the Hunter Region’s famed Hiss and Crackle record store and live performance venue, (where the EP was recorded) and you’ll need to jump on their website to score one. There’s no "try before you buy" Bandcamp option but trust me on this one when I say it bears up to repeated listening.