
 sean st leone 2023
Sean St Leone. Keith Claringbold photo.

10 things that made me hoppy this year (in no particular order) 

Mudhoney at Wollongong Uni
A band I’ve wanted to see for many, many years and every time I’ve been close to seeing them, something has gone wrong, so I was stoked just to make it to this show. I was even more stoked when they played an amazing set, chock full of classics. Not showing their age in the slightest. 

Descendants at the Metro, Sydney
Another band I’d always wanted to see but always missed - been a fan ever since someone put "Everything Sux" in my hand sometime in the late ‘90s. Didn’t know what to expect given Milo had a heart attack less than two months before the gig, but i needn’t have worried. They started and just kept going till the end - pretty much no breaks - just one killer song after another. Tight and more than alright. 

The Mark of Cain at the Metro, Sydney
Playing their album "Ill At Ease" from start to finish (and throwing in a few from “Battlesick” and “This Is This” to close out the night). Tight as a fishes arsehole. One of the best things I’ve seen in years. crowd loved it and every song was spot on. Brutally good. If there was any justice in the world this band would have been huge. 

We're A Happy Family - Ramones tributes at the Link and Pin, Woy Woy, and MoshPit Bar, St Peters. 
Three bands playing Ramones songs plus some special guests. Smitty & B Goodethe Strike-Outs and The Dark Clouds all played killer sets. The crowd loved it and it was a super friendly vibe at both shows - what more could ya want? 

Tantichrist - Fuck or Fight videoclip
are a must see live act that have been tearing up Sydney stages for a little while now. this year they released the best film clip ive seen for a "local" band in forever. Funny and brilliantly acted, and a great song to boot., Check it out - and keep an eye out for a new Tantichrist album in 2024.


Guitar Heroes
In the last few years there has been a bit of a resurgence in quality, guitar-driven rockin’ music. There’s nothing better than hearing some screaming lead guitar and I’ve been lucky enough to see heaps of it in 2023. Special mention goes out to a couple of my favourites -whose playing always lifts my spirits: Troy Destroy from The Neptune Power FederationTerry "Thunder" Callan of The Dark CloudsGlen Bourne from Rawrus Tounge and “Shoeless” Geoff Mullard from the Australian Beefweek Show. Four guitarists guaranteed to put a smile on your face when you see ‘em live.

The Square Tugs
A band well-loved up in Brisbane but not so well known further south which is a shame because they’re so much fun live. This is about to be rectified because they’re due to visit NSW in 2024 and will have a new album out to boot. Come out and see what QLD already knows - these boys are shit hot.

The Link and Pin Cafe, Woy Woy
Many of us were horrified when we heard earlier in the year that the Pin was for sale. In the last few years, it had become a must play venue for aussie bands. Well run, with great food as well - I was crushed when I heard that Mark, Milly and Adam were selling up. That’s until the good news came through at Milly and Adam were staying on and that the Pin would continue to host great Aussie bands into the future. Mark will be missed but the place is in good hands with Millie and Adam at the helm. Meat sticks for everyone!!!! 

4ZZZ Radio Brisbane
I’m always impressed with the level of support 4ZZZ gives local artists. While NSW has some good indie stations, none of them come close to offering the same strong level of support that 4ZZZ does and they’re a big part of the reason Qld has such a strong scene with so many great bands.

The Owen Guns
Our new release, “Monks in Sexyland”, came out late in 2023, and some of you fools bought it!!!!! NO REFUNDS!!!

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