The Celebrity Roadie, Peter Ross, joins The Barman for a special Red and The Black edition of Drunk and Disorderly. Playlist after the fold.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 4190
Episode 37 of Drunk and Disorderly, the I-94 Bar podcast, is live on MIxcloud. Give it a few days, and it will be on iTunes, Spotify and all your other favourite streaming services. Ain't technology grand? This edition includes music from Aberration, Candy Snatchers, Ronny Dap, Chris Masuak and the Viveiro Wave Ridrs. Mick Medew and the Msmerisers and CTMF (that'd be Billy Childish).
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 5350
Yee-ha! Episode 36 is live. You’ll hear from S to S, Heartbrokers, James Williamson and The Pink Hearts, Alejandro Escovedo, The Conspirators, The Hellacopters, Shifting Sands, The Sand Pebbles, Suzie Stapleton, The Scientists, P76, The Yardbirds, Stiff Richards and Mark Taylor (Lipstick Killers).
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 5746
Look out honey, we're using technology: Episode 35 of "Drunk and Disorderly" is live. Play it through your browser, through the Mixclud app, share it, whatever. Spread the Rock Action!
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 6301
Episode 33 is live. Featuring music from Neptune Power Federation, Lester Bangs, Alex Chilton, Jim Jones and The Righteous Mind, Suzie Stapleton, Tom Thumb, Soggy, Kevin K, Choker Chains, Celibate Rifles, Johnny Casino, Richard Lloyd and Died Pretty.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 6434
The podcasts are coming thick and fast now. Episode 32 of Drunk and Disorderly is live, with music from Donald Trump, The Damned, Flamin ‘ Groovies, Sator, The Hellacopters, The Godfathers, The Volcanics, Dion Lunadon, James McCann and The New Vindictives, Leadfinger, P76, X, The Hip Priests and The Dream Syndicate.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 6689
Everybody's favourite drunken ramblings from mine host is back with a vengeance. Featuring hits and misses from Thee Wylde Oscars, The Bible Bashers, ME 262, The On and Ons, The Murder City Devils and more. This is the podcast for the I-94 Bar where The Barman dispenses Real Rock Action From Sydney, Australia, via The Bowery and The Motor City.
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- By The Bar Staff
- Hits: 5598