maz 2018

Hmmm. What wondrous things have defined my year?

I suppose my prevailing sentiment has been one of simmering frustration and anger at a world more out of control and stupid than I can remember. Perhaps it’s always been this way and I’m only noticing it in my dotage.

Whatever the reason, I’m noticing that personal selfishness and cultural callousness are the new black and that I just haven’t been able to continue being my usual conciliatory self.

Apparently, artists (even minor Rock Gods like myself) should refrain from social commentary. After all, “there are two sides to every story”.

Nuts to that!

If we choose to keep our traps shut or worse, become apologists for widespread genocide, brutality, and political opportunism, it means we relinquish the conscience, ethics, and morals that define us as human beings.

So, yeah...I’ve been more vocal about the abuses rampant in our world. If you read my posts you know which sentiments I wear on my sleeve.

But, it’s not all been completely grim and gloomy.

The Viveiro Wave Riders’ new bass player, Abe Corujo Carreira, is slotting in fabulously and although the year has been by necessity a slow one, the band has been working miracles in the recording studio.

I’ve reconnected with many old friends, lost a few, saw more than just a few pass on to other realms. The world has indeed become a bittersweet place. Fortunately, the constant in life has been my family, whom I adore more and more.

And, adding much appreciated colour to the proceedings, there has been that liberating and hilarious personal vindication by way of Jonathan Sequiera’s relentlessly objective documentary of some band that I was in.

Liking new music is difficult when you’re of an age where you can tell exactly where a new artist has “borrowed” an idea or two. (I mean, we all do it, but really guys!!??)

But, there have been some great sounds coming out locally, particularly with bands like Bang 74, The Atomic Zeros, and Johnny Casino, who I guess we can now regard as local.


Whatever your philosophical disposition, I hope that this time of year offers you at least a shred of happiness and optimism to grab hold of!

I certainly wish you all the best for the coming year!