
3 headed dog

  • howling sunForget the clichés about French rock and roll bands being full of pale and inspid breadstick-chewers who can barely rock and are lamentably unable to roll. This Paris trio can do both as well as almost anyone you can name, and might just be the best band you’ve never heard. 

    3 Headed Dog are Brenko (guitar), Vinz (bass) and Manga (drums.) All have been members of anarchic noisemeisters, Dimi Dero Inc, and the late Holy Curse, who for mine were the best rock and roll outfit in 20 years to have crawled from under the lid the establishment keeps firmly on France’s underground music scene.

  • 3headed-dogThere’s a healthy rock and roll exchange program between St Kilda and Paris that’s being maintained by underground musicians from both sides of the globe. On the Franco side, it’s through semi-regular visits to Australia by players from bands like Dimi Dero Inc, Tex Napalm and Dimi Dero and Holy Curse (R.I.P.). 3 Headed Dog is the latest addition to the list and their musical trail leads to the seamy side of town.