
dave kettley

  • dave and robDave Kettley and Rob Younger marshalling the New Christs at Marrickville Bowlo on Saturday night.. 

    Sydney, you’re such a contrary beast with this live music thing. And you fucking know it. 

    A year ago, this same bill of the New Christs and Melbourne’s James McCann and The New Vindictives pulled close to a full room at Marrickville Bowlo. This Saturday night, the place isn’t empty by any means but the head count is much lower.

    Was it the cold weather? HTFU! It’s winter. Maybe a spot of fatigue with great rock and roll shows seemingly happening weekly? For sure, we’ve been spoilt. It was also the third New Christs appearance in these parts in as many months. if you were one of the waverers that stayed home, it really was your loss.