

  • First, these 20-minute interviews seem toMeat-Puppets-portrait be the bane of journos everywhere. It seems the time-limit prevents the journos getting chummy with the artist. No wonder Prince doesn't give interviews anymore, who'd want a bunch of music journos crawling at ya, total strangers wanting to be your pal. Twenty minutes is fine. The artist is there to promote the album, use the journo as a conduit.

  • Cris

    The Meat Puppets are an outfit I’ve been looking forward to seeing ever since I heard they were coming. 


    There are a few similarities with the last outfit I saw recently, The English Beat. Old band touring, only two original members, no set list. No encore because of curfew (Fowlers is right next to a huge block of student accommodation; you only rarely see the occasional student at Fowlers, and their sense of dislocation and disgust is visible).


    But the gigs are very, very different, and not just because of the style of music.