
the hovering spooks

  • bowlo arvo glenn morrisGlenn Morris of The On and Ons.

    The On and Ons
    (aka Clyde Bramley's 70th Birthday Bash)
    + The Hovering Spooks
    Marrickville Bowling Club, NSW
    Sunday, September 15, 2024

    Sunday afternoons at the Bowlo have become a Sydney institution for live music goers of a certain vintage. This one had the added attraction of being a celebration of On and Ons bassist and all-round nice guy Clyde Bramley’s 70th birthday, so there was ample reason for the big crowd in evidence.

    First up, The Hovering Spooks and the bands that their members haven’t played in can be accommodated on the big end of a pin. These Spooks bill themselves as psych but that label’s about as imprecise as they come these days. How about pre-proto-punk dressed-down glam?