
vomit of the universe

  • adam mondayitis"The Odd Night Out"
    Botanic Gordon + Leitmotiv Limbo
    + r.domain + Vomit of the Universe
    The Metro, Adelaide 
    May 11, 2019
    Photos by Somnambulist Dillinger

    I'd never seen any of these outfits. Only heard of one of them, Vomit of the Universe (aka VoU), because my friends Adam Mondayitis (pictured right - sometime DJ at 3D Radio until they got gentrified, Hydrocephallus and Smallpox Confidentialist) and Jordy Dodd are VoU and... well. You never know, do you? Might be dreadful. Might be wonderful.

    The organiser wasn't sure what the order of play was until everyone more or less got there. So this is how the bands appeared on the FB event page (and yes, it's 'sic'):

    Vomit of the Universe - guitar and drums duo plays slimey soiled rusty metal

    r.domain - modular synths of megalopic proportions with a sea of wires

    Botanic Gordon - formerly of the '70s organ synth, now renovating for future antiquity

    Leitmotiv Limbo - clarinet sin storage, synth put aside, "just playing spring sculptures"

  • the plague year. smThe Plague Year – The Vomit of the Universe (self-issued)

    Headbangers of the world alert! 

    The Vomit of the Universe songs are: "The Plague Year", "Magna Hominum Dercependo", "Shiva Laughs and Smiles" and "Igne Natura Renovatur Integra". The 'A' listed here as playing guitar, bass guitar, drums & synthesizer is our old Adelaided chum Adam Blake, sometime sack-flasher at Hydrocephallus.

    Vomit of the Universe, however, is an entirely alternate vehicle, a more directed mindset. Elements of grandiosity which make metal so appealing are used to maximum effect (without over-egging the omelette, as so very many bands do). Yet the approach, and rhythm, reminds me of some Krautrock, as well as opera, and quite a few classical pieces (Shostakovich springs to mind).

  • loveandevolLØVE & EVØL - Boris (Third Man Records) 
    Invisible You - JP Shilo (Ghost Train Records) 
    Fortuna Horribilis - Vomit of the Universe (The Artist)


    Grayson Haver Currin of Pitchfork comments on the latest alvum from Japan's venerable trio Boris:

    “These seven anemic songs find Boris becoming something new yet again - self-satisfied.”

    Eric Carr, of the same magazine (ED: Isn't he in KISS?), commented retrospectively on Sonic Youth's LP “EVOL” in 2002:

    “EVOL would mark the true departure point of Sonic Youth’s musical evolution - in measured increments, Thurston Moore and Lee Ranaldo began to bring form to the formless, tune to the tuneless, and with the help of Steve Shelley’s drums, they imposed melody and composition on their trademark dissonance. A breathtaking fusion of avant-garde noise (as far as Rock was concerned) and brilliant, propulsive rock... this is where the seeds of greatness were sown.”

    I think it's a fair bet that Boris are nodding at Sonic Youth's "EVOL" LP here; in 1992, on their first CD - a 60+minuter comprising only one song, “Absolutego” - they scribbled their influences - including Sonic Youth, a band whose first four records I bought and loved.