
hommus trio epA Trio of Hommus EP – Hommus Idol (self released)

Bet you’re sick of bands conceived in the darkness of COVD that have emerged into the light like maggots hatching from fly eggs? Cooker! Leave your conspiracies at the door of your local Lebanese restaurant because Hommus Idol have arrived bearing physical product. 

Hommus Idol is from Wollongong, south of Sydney, and has a lineage going back to that city’s onetime shining New Garage Rock Hope, BRUCE.  Just like a North Gong Hotel pot dealer, Hommus Idol peddles its wares in the carpark shadows - but in this instance they’re guitar songs of distortion and Jello Biafra-like warbling. 

“A Trio of Hommus” is the physical debut after a few digital only songs and it hums like a bunch of Punchbowl boys running through acapella versions of hip hop songs in a stolen V8.

“Say No To Techno” marches right out of the gates with a rumbling bass and a vaguely Elvis vocal. In the absence of an active local chapter of the Death To Disco club, this call to arms (“gimme guitars/gimme distortion/I don’t want to hear that electric contortion”) rings out like a hunka hunka burning love, fried in peanut butter punk rock style 

“Rivet Can” slips into something slinky and blue collar, while the rising and falling melody line in  “I Don’t Play Games” toys playfully with you while packing a double-tracked vocal whack in its gunny sack.

The real earwig here is “Double Dipper” with its elastic bassline and sparking arcs of fuzz guitar. If you’re that guy at parties - that prick who pokes his canape into the dip again after taking a bite - may you choke on your Jatz so this catchy anthem is played at your funeral. Loud and on a loop.

The probing guitar line and vocal mutterings of “100% (Susbag)” wrap it all up in a fuzz guitar bow and you know what to do. Lebanese cuisine awaits here.

