Members of this early ‘80s Brisbane band went on to Subsonic Barflies and Splatterheads. Taking their cue from American hardcore, Death of a Nun put down these tracks as demos in 1984-85 and Swashbuckling Hobo has exhumed them - or, in the label’s own words, “reached deep beyond the S-bend”.
This single is very much of its time - an era of repression and extreme prejudice against any music that vaguely resembled punk (whatever that is) and “Brisbane” reflects that. It's two-paced (like the Gabba wicket used to be) and would have passed for sophisticated songwriting in the scene of the time. My guess is that somebody was listening to Minutemen.
"Brisbane" is an angry sonic rant that rolls up the prevailing mood of the River City’s state of terminal stasis (to borrow a phrase) and throws it back in its face. Underdone production leaves the guitars sounding thin but it is what it is.
“It’s Your Fault” is more straight-up hardcore, not quite breakneck speed and a little more assured, with an abstract lead break towards the end. This one leans in the direction of The Sick Things.
It’s limited run of 150 copies so don’t delay. It’s available here.1/2