4. Raising Ravens
All but especially the track “In My Room”.

5. Lipstick Killers reissue 

6. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou 
Spent a lot of my JobKeeper getting their reissues . Superb.

7. Faust - box set 71-74

8. Restless Legs - Dream Buffet 
Especially the sublime track “In a Mirror Life”.

9. The Go! Team - Track “Let the Seasons Work".
Gorgeous song. 

I got sent a sneak from their new album…there’s a 9 minute track that blew my marbles. 

11. Apple Tree Massacre – “Waiting Around”  
Side project of Mattie Slur. .infectious disco. 

12. Run The Jewels 4 
I know I’m late with this but forgot hip hop could be so funky. 

13. Extreme Noise Terror - Peel Sessions 
Fuck yea. 

14. The Expanse
Season 6 just started whhhhhooooooo!

15 Doom Patrol 
Best superhero TV in Yonkers. 

16. Medheads live at Hiss & Crackle
Oh I could go on