
edwn garland

  • patti horses slSteve Lorkin photo

    More than a decade ago, I was sitting in a Sydney pub with a beer after a Bob Dylan concert. I was amidst Dylan fans, including Jenny Kee, the ’60s fashion icon, “OZ” magazine figure and Buddhist. Jenny is a deep thinker and was peeling back layers on the Dylan show we had both witnessed. She turned to me in mid-conversation and asked a question I won’t forget.

“Do you think Dylan is deeply spiritual and has soul consciousness on stage?”

    My answer after much thought was: “I can’t answer that, as I believe Bob lived many lifetimes and always felt he was guarded on that level, except in his born-again phase. That said, his songs are from the heart and mostly from his mind.” 

    Jenny responded. “I saw Lou Reed last year. I believe he does, as he is on that journey.”

    “I can’t say that about Bob or even Lou Reed. But after seeing Patti Smith live, I believe she does and that it comes from a very deep realm, in fact one could call it soul consciousness.”  

    That was my answer all those years ago that night in Haymarket. I've always believed Patti is indeed a special performer.