
electric boogaloo

  • electric boogaloo cvrEP2 Electric Boogaloo – The Owen Guns (Riot Records)

    Hardcore never went away. It just sprouted grey hair, developed prostate awareness and, in some extreme cases, took out a mortgage.

    The Owen Guns have been flying old school punk’s flag for a year or two, blowing the roof off venues in Sydney and Wollongong. Members are based in both cities. They wear leather jackets, have weathered heads and their faces look like dropped pies. This is coming from someone who's no Paris model, but you get the idea. And in punk’s finest traditions, they could not give a flying fuck what me, you or anyone else thinks of them.

    Punk is about economy and the seven songs on this, The Owen Guns’ second CD EP, clock in in at under 10 minutes.