

  • "There is nothing to win by this kind of an outcry..." -Richard Hell

    "Everything is really hard, if you ain't got that credit card."-Iggy Pop

    peanut butter bluesOld grape popsicles don't expire, they just get freezer burnt.

    Back in my bespangled youth, there was no Internet and no downloadable sound files you could carry around in your hand-held Orwell gadget. We had, like, Walkman's and a couple of cassettes, if we were lucky, you know? If we got real enterprising, we'd spring for all those big batteries to power up our boom boxes, with all the band stickers on it, but it costs a lot to keep those machines blaring, especially if you hung out with a ragamuffin lot of heavy metal kids, Stooges heads, and ersatz break-dancers.

    Rock 'n' roll sounds still mostly came on collectible black platters with colorful picture sleeves, but you had to send cash away for it in the mail, relying on the honor of scuzzy rascals, and every so often, you might get chumped. 'Had to figure, somebody must be awful hard up, to rip off their own fans. There was no Pay-Pal, you just paid your pals.

  • here-comes-the-niceFor us fans in the USA, the Small Faces were the band that was always on the “coming soon” board at the Fillmore. It wasn’t until "Itcyhcoo Park" that there was a record you could easily buy locally. A couple of rare early period singles had been released, but none of us had ever seen them.