
movie star junkies

  • spooky bootleg vol2Spooky Bootleg Tapes Volume 2 – Various Artists (Spooky Records)

    Bats get a bad rap. They’re part of nature and humans – some of the stupider members of the human race, at least – feel an idiotic desire to tame nature. Nature will always win; unlike humans, nature plays the long game.

    There’s a local politician whose electorate covers the poor, marginalised and disenfranchised inner-eastern Melbourne suburbs where the local population can barely rub two four-wheel drives, a private school education and an annual ski trip together. He doesn’t like bats, probably since he had an involuntary bowel movement after reading “Dracula” at school.

    He wants the bats out of the trees in Kew. Dirty, filthy, disease-ridden pests, he reckons. Plus, they might have conspired to unleash COVID on the world, working in cahoots with devious foreign governments, copies of Mao’s “Little Red Book” stashed under their wings…

  • evil moods coverThere should be a law against small record companies punching above their weight. And against brilliant rock’n’roll bands showing up all the mainstream slags as ugly, dull, leaden and tedious beyond belief. Why people listen to radio at all when they have bands like Movie Star Junkies to make their mixtapes steam like kids on the backseat.

    Ten songs, 36 minutes. I like that. So I won’t spend too long here, other than to repeat what I’ve said before, Voodoo Rhythm do records and CDs which should fill your collection. And “Evil Moods” is another one you need to have.

  • still-singlesWell, the 500 double LPs are gone already, I see from the Beast Records website

    Which isn’t surprising, because if there’s a band who should stay on vinyl, it’s Movie Star Junkies.

    This release has all of their singles “From Dolls Come In” to “Everything is Holy” - including the B-sides and split singles - in the one spot. You can always tell a boring band when their singles don’t do much for you. The single, for those who might have forgotten, is always intended to be a slice of music and song which rips at you, doesn’t give you any let-up.