It’s a sound and album that draws heavily on Skehan’s time as a youth in Ireland and the post-hardcore sounds of Dischord Records, Husker Du and The Wipers.
“Chimers” is now in its fourth vinyl pressing as the duo continue to find friends and influence others as the live shows keep on mounting.
"Generator" is out now on Evil Tone Records and available here.
20 - Sydney, Vic On The Park
w/ Private Wives (single launch)
27 - Wollongong, La La La's
w/ Uncle Pit (single launch)
3 - Wollongong Uni Bar
w/ Me First & The Gimmie Gimmies
8 - Gold Coast, Miami Marketta
w/ Me First & The Gimmie Gimmies
10 - Brisbane, Tivoli
w/ Me First & The Gimmie Gimmies
23 - Sydney, Oxford Arts
w/ Scientists
24 - Wollongong, Uni Bar
w/ Scientists
17 - Beechworth, Tanswells
18 - Melbourne,
The Gem (arvo)
The Espy (eve)
w/ Mudhoney
14 - Coolangatta Hotel
15 - Byron Bay, The Northern
16 - Brisbane, The Zoo
20 - Sydney, The Factory
22 - Wollongong, UOW
23 - Canberra, Kambri