
ramble records

  • the fallowingThe Fallowing - Adam Geoffrey Cole Cornish (Sunstone)
    The Tracks of the Afterlander - Adam Geoffrey Cole (Ramble Records)

    I don't have much taste for what gets defined as “folk”.. Which conjures up the same sorts of things for you as it does for me, really. Marxist Orstrilian dingbats dressed up in “traditional” Oirish garb, wittering out stuff which all sounds a bit too twee and cliched, while bunging on a nasally twinge and waxing lyrical about a lifestyle they're only really familiar with through reading about it (and possibly a holiday in the Auld Coontry when they were 11). Oh, and bags of make-believe wailing humility.

    Shoot them all, I say, and be quick about it.