
trading aces

  • trading aces cvrRock ‘n’ Roll Homicide – Trading Aces (Ripple Music)

    Hello I-94 Barflies , it’s been a while but there’s a bit to talk about with The Farmhouse rocking to the sounds of  Trading Aces’ “Rock ‘n’ Roll Homicide”, and what a ripper this album is.

    Trading Aces is a supergroup of well-known, and not so well-known, musicians coming from all over the world to pay homage to one, the late Eddie Van Halen, and, boy, does it rock. 

    Frank Meyer of the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs is joined by Dennis Post of City Kids (both on guitar and vocals) .Bjarne Paamand (Warrior Soul) is on bass and Ivan Tambac (also Warrior Soul) is on drums. They got together to make some tunes and express their grief at the loss of Eddie into some hard rock, metal, punk and pop.

    Frank Meyer (Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs, Trading Aces, Highway 61) Top Ten Records for 2023:

    The Dwarves - "Concept Album"
    Blag Dahlia knows how to write a hook, that’s for sure. Be it a pop hook, a rock hook, a hardcore hook, a brutally heavy metal hook, the guys just knowns that every song boils down the hook. And he always keeps it short and sweet. Don’t bore us, get to the chorus. I appreciate the call to action, the brevity and the sense of humor.

    Fishbone - "Self-Titled" EP
    Been loving this band since I was a wee teen and this EP reminds me why. When these guys get down to business, they write fantastic pop songs that touch on many genres at once, rock, metal, punk, funk, reggae, ska, soul, jazz, and more. Yet for all of it’s bold musical fortitude, it always seems effortless, wild and fun. It’s a magical combination.
  •  ron brown 2023

    01 - L7 in Melbourne. 
    This was a blast. Playing “Bricks Are Heavy” in full ,plus all those other wonderful tracks from the ‘90s. It’s number-one because it’s recent.

    02 MONAROS – “Can’t Polish a Turd.
    As good as it gets. What a bloody great record with songs like “Kareen”, “Best Cop In Town” and the awesome “Mum Washed Me Cum Sock”. It’s a no-brainer for the #2 slot.